The Human Body is Ready for an Upgrade
The prehistoric machinery that ensures your heart pumps blood and your lungs breathe air is ready for an upgrade. Life Identical starts with the genetic code that connects everyone on the planet, edits genomes using CRISPR, then innovates by enhancing your biology with industry-leading nanotechnology.
Upgrade Your DNA
Most personal genome tests only provide a glimpse of your genetic history. Life Identical presents your genetic future. You don't have to live with the DNA you were born with.
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CRISPR Genome Editing
CRISPR is an affordable genetic editing solution but we are only on the cusp of this genetic revolution. Life Identical provides genome editing solutions that enhance as well as cure.
Are you ready to enhance your DNA with CRISPR?
Nanogenetics allows us to become architects with nature’s building blocks. Imagine a world where burn victims grow new skin, a weak heart is replaced with a strong one, cancer consumes itself.